Senior Design/Capstone Projects
UC, MU, & NKU (updated 4/20)
Thursday, April 25, 2024 |
MadTree Brewing (see below for directions) |
TIME : |
5:30 p.m. Social Time & Registration |
6:00 p.m. Dinner |
7:00 p.m. Presentation (45-60 min) |
$15- $20, See information in Reservations |
ABOUT THE MEETING: Top Senior Design Project presentations from the University of Cincinnati, Miami University, and Northern Kentucky University
ABOUT THE PRESENTER Several projects will be presented including: Build, Program, and Test a Model Dog: Project Buster is a 3D-printed miniature version of Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot. It is designed to offer a cost-effective alternative for quadruped robot research and potential senior design projects. The project offers an open-source framework and it can be controlled wirelessly using ROS (Robot Operating System). Buster is controlled with a Raspberry Pi 4 and features a camera, ultrasonic sensors, and an LCD. The robot can have various sensors attached to it to add extra functionality such as mapping and autonomous navigation with LiDAR. This project is planned to be used for educational purposes on quadruped robotics, Linux, and ROS. Team Members: Nick Disisto (CSE), Bradley Gartner, Alyssa Winn (Advisor: Mr. Jim Leonard)
Project: Formula SAE Powertrain Development and Safety Protocols Citing the lack of an electric Formula SAE (FSAE) car at Miami University, this project aims to design an effective electric vehicle (EV) high voltage tractive system for an electric race car in the future. We have designed and are now testing the liquid cooling system and the powertrain for the car which includes the motor and motor controller/inverter. A load profile for the EV was created to size the battery pack based on simulated energy needs. Electrical connections for other tractive system components, such as the battery pack, BMS, and charger, will be documented in the FSAE Electrical Systems Form to be implemented in the future. Our main constraints are to abide by the rules and safety requirements outlined in the FSAE 2024 rulebook. This has led to the development of an extensive set of safety protocols based on industry guidelines. Team: Dhruv Birla, Teddy Lea, Ian Pascoe, Marguerite Smith (Advisor: Prof. Mark Scott)
Project: Members: Saumick Pradhan (, Roshni Khatri ( Advisors: Dr William III Hawkins, Dr Raj Bhatnagar. Abstract: aims to develop a dynamic platform tailored for first-year Computer Science students and those in related programming fields. The central focus is to foster motivation, positive support, and encouragement throughout their coding journey. Leveraging Generative AI, the platform seeks to engage students with insightful feedback to overcome coding challenges, whether they are beginners or experienced programmers. The platform also enables professors to come up with innovative and unique exercises for the students to enable critical thinking. These exercises will supplement the material from the professor and help students interact with customized problems.
Project: Feasibility Study of Hydrokinetic Turbines for Slow Velocity Rivers Members: Cameron Wesley (, Matt Smeal (, Kearsten Fourman ( Advisor: Dr. Massoud Rabiee Abstract: PROBLEM – Hydroelectricity is a crucial energy source for enabling low-carbon generation for power grids. Traditional hydroelectric plants operate by utilizing the potential between higher and lower bodies of water to drive a turbine. Unfortunately, many broader rivers do not allow for damming due to shipping needs or environmental impacts. Another method of generating hydroelectricity is by using the kinetic energy of a flowing body of water. This idea is utilized in tidal and ocean current turbines. These hydrokinetic turbines offer a possible avenue for renewable energy generation from river flow, which could help supplement the variability of solar and wind generation sources. Although massive volumes of water move through rivers like the Ohio, the fluid velocity is usually very slow. To be feasible in rivers like this, a hydrokinetic turbine must be adapted to increase the water speed over its blades. SOLUTION – Adapting hydrokinetic turbines to slower moving waters requires a funneled design to increase water velocity over the turbine blades. Decreasing the area through which a fluid flows will increase the fluid’s velocity (while decreasing its pressure). This phenomenon we will take advantage of is known as the Venturi effect. Utilizing multi-physics modeling software, we will simulate the necessary sizing required to achieve a desirable water speed in the turbine housing. We will also calculate expected rotational speeds and power output from the device for a given turbine blade geometry and water speed. After designing the turbine, we will lay out a combiner level Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system to relay voltage, current, and power information via an Ethernet cable. This part of the project will also provide the controls and power electronics framework for connecting an array of these proposed turbines with a solar or wind array. BENEFITS – A major challenge of renewable energy generation is the variability of sources: sunlight and wind are not constant or dispatchable. Providing another renewable energy source provides diversification to improve expected load carrying capability. If feasible, utilizing hydrokinetic turbines in slower moving rivers could provide the ability to use rivers for electricity without the large dams required for traditional run-of-the-river hydro.
MENU SELECTIONS: Buffet Dinner (chef salad, sirloin, green beans, mashed potatoes)
LOCATION: Madtree Brewery (39.15624686402839, -84.4239733711641) 3301 Madison Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45209 (Madison Rd, just south of Ridge Road. (Ridge Rd is off of I-71))
RESERVATIONS: MAKE RESERVATIONS HERE. Please click on the appropriate link and complete the reservation. Cost is $15 for members advanced registration. Non-members cost is $20 cash at the door.
Reservations close at 11:59 PM on Wednesday April 23rd, 2024.
An email to prior to the close of reservations is required to properly cancel your reservation.
All Reservations must be made before April 24th, 2024.
WALK-INS (those without reservations): Due to catering and seating arrangements, reservations are required for this meeting
PE CREDITS: Depending on the subject matter, attendance at IEEE Cincinnati Section Meetings now qualifies the attendee for Professional Development Hours towards renewal of Professional Engineers Licenses. Required documentation will be available following the meeting if qualified! The Section Meetings also provide a great opportunity to network with fellow engineers in the area.