2021 Ohio Engineers Legislative Day

Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43085 Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43085

Join the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE-OH), IEEE

2021 Ohio Engineers Legislative Day

Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43085 Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43085

Join the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE-OH), IEEE-Columbus Section, and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for our virtual Ohio Engineers Legislative Day. Sign up today to earn up to 4.0 CPD Hours! Register now to join us for our virtual Ohio Engineers Legislative Day on Friday, April 23, 2021. The registration fee for OSPE, ASCE and IEEE members is $35! The non-member fee is $50. Please make sure to enter your IEEE member number and section in order to obtain the discounted registration fee. (http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=s8ap4tcab&oeidk=a07ehr7fvtrd8c73215) (https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehr7fvtrd8c73215&c=70510e96-50a4-11e9-b467-d4ae528eb986&ch=70520b98-50a4-11e9-b467-d4ae528eb986) Register by April 20, 2021 We look forward to seeing you online for Legislative Day! Questions? Call us at 614-223-1144 (Columbus area) or 1-800-654-9481 (Ohio only). Agenda: Agenda: 9:00 am Welcome Joe Warino, PE, PS, FNSPE, VP, OSPE Legislative & Government Affairs 9:02 am Critical Issues That Ohio's Engineers Are Facing (1 CPD HOUR) Patrick Markovich, Policy & Communications Manager, Governmental Policy Group, Inc. 10:00 am 5 Minute Break 10:05 am Senate Bill 10 & Other Nuclear Energy-Related Issues (0.5 CPD HOUR) Senator Mark Romanchuk, Ohio Senate, District 22 10:30 am Ohio's Innovation Economy & the Columbus Innovation District (0.5 CPD HOUR) JP Nauseef, MS, President and CEO, JobsOhio 11:00 am 5 Minute Break 11:05 am ASCE National Legislative Policy & Infrastructure Report Card 2021 (0.5 CPD HOUR) Emily Feenstra, Managing Director, Government Relations and Infastrcutre Initiatives, American Society of Civil Engineers 11:30 am ASCE Ohio Infrastructure Report Card 2021 (0.5 CPD HOUR) James Pajk, PE, Assistant Administrator, Division of Design and Construction, City of Columbus Department of Public Service, and Member, ASCE Central Ohio Section 12:00 pm 5 Minute Break 12:05 pm An Electric Grid Resilience Solution (1 CPD HOUR) Jeff Fleeman, PE, Chief Operating Officer - Grid Assurance, American Electric Power, and Member, IEEE Power and Energy Society 1:00 pm Program Concludes Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43085

University of Cincinnati and Miami University Senior Project Presentations

Virtual Meeting Virtual, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Each year the engineering students at the University of Cincinnati and Miami University complete their senior projects. We are amazed at the talent and creativity of these students as they present their projects to us. These presentations are typically an interesting mix of hardware and software, solving problems, improving efficiencies, and creating new opportunities. Speaker(s): UC and Miami Students, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/270928