MAHDI YAZDANPOUR, PH.D – Dr. Mahdi Yazdanpour (Senior Member of IEEE, ABET PEV) is an Assistant Professor and the Program Coordinator of Mechatronics Engineering Technology, as well as the Coordinator of the Institute for Student Research and Creative Activity at Northern Kentucky University. During his academic journey, he has had the privilege of exploring various engineering disciplines. His educational path began with a B.S. degree in Computer Engineering, followed by an M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. This diverse academic background has enriched his problem-solving abilities and equipped him with the capacity to approach engineering challenges from different perspectives. He has over 10 years of experience in teaching and research in academia, having worked as an instructor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and as a visiting professor in the School of International Studies and Outreach at Oklahoma State University. In addition to his academic career, Dr. Yazdanpour has over 12 years of professional experience in industry, where he held various technical, managerial, and leadership roles in manufacturing, power plants, and oil & gas companies. He is an IEEE Senior Member and currently serves as the Chair of the IEEE Cincinnati Section. He is also an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Program Evaluator (PEV). His research interests include Intelligent Mechatronic Systems, Human-Robot Interaction, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Mind-Controlled Systems, Medical Robotics, and Computer/Machine Vision.
DAVE HERNANDEZ, PE, CEM, GBE, CESCP, CM&AI – Mr. Hernandez is among the nation’s top experts in the Power & Energy sector serving the industry as a distinguished Professional Engineer licensed in 52 U.S. jurisdictions. He has held responsible charge of over 25,000 electrical projects throughout his 17-year career and is frequently retained nationally by design firms, construction companies, and accounting firms. Mr. Hernandez is an IEEE Senior Member where he serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Cincinnati Section, Chair of the Joint Chapter for IAS/PES/ PELS, and Treasurer for the PES Membership Development Committee. He is a former member of the NEMA Motors & Generators Committee where he helped develop electrical legislation across North America. Mr. Hernandez holds Bachelor and Master degrees in Electrical Engineering specialized in Power Systems, and holds a Professional Certification in Mechanical Engineering. He has conducted over two dozen workshops and has been published nine times through various industry outlets.
ROBERT SCHINDLER – Senior Electrical Engineer with FFE, Inc., Cincinnati. 40 years of experience including power, lighting, communication systems, electric utility, industrial control, traffic engineering, traffic signal control systems, and highway lighting in the commercial, industrial, governmental (Federal, state and local,) and public facility sectors. He specializes in lighting and power engineering for large industrial/manufacturing facilities. BSEET University of Cincinnati, Licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Project Manager. Senior Member of IEEE. Executive committee member since 2017. Personal interests include amateur radio (callsign K8TYM,) and vintage computer systems. Lifelong Cincinnatian.
SUSAN BUTSCH, MS, CQE – Susan earned her bachelor’s of science degree in Physics from Northern Kentucky University and her master’s of science in Materials Science and Engineering from Virginia Tech. Susan has experience in quality engineering for plastics, composite materials and electronic assembly manufacturing facilities in support of consumer, aviation, military and space applications. Susan has experience in teaching and is currently working as a Materials and Process Engineer. Susan has been an active member of the Cincinnati IEEE chapter since 2020, serving as a member-at-large, and currently secretary of this chapter.
BOB MORRISON – Life Member of IEEE, BSEE 1978 Purdue University. Retired in 2010 after 32 years with CG&E/Cinergy/Duke Energy. From 1978 to 1999 was an Electrical Project Engineer working on various projects for the company’s power plants; was the lead Electrical Engineer on the project which converted the Zimmer Nuclear Power Station to a coal-fired plant. From 1999 to 2010 was the protection engineer responsible for power plant relay protection in Duke’s plants in the Midwestern portion of their territory. From 2013 through 2017 provided protection engineering via Wantana Engineering of Charlotte, NC. Served as the Section Newsletter Editor 1992-2010, Member-At-Large 2014-2017;2021-present. Also a member of the Kentucky Colonels and the Sons of the America Revolution. Volunteer Ambassador at Reds Hall of Fame & Museum 2011-present.
SHANTANU JOSHI – After graduating with a M.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) from SUNY-Binghamton with a specialization in Electronics Manufacturing, Mr. Joshi began his professional career at Koki Solder America Inc. He did research in electronics manufacturing as a research associate at Universal Instrument’s Advanced Process Lab. He was part of the team which conducted a multimillion-dollar manufacturing research effort sponsored by an international consortium of companies from across the electronics industry. From characterization of various lead-free solder alloys to optimizing process parameters for newly developed electronics packages he was involved in multiple research projects which gave him a broader horizon of the industry. In his professional career with KOKI, he is not only involved in leading business growth in North Americas but also involved collaborating with leading engineers and scientists in electronics manufacturing to research and solve issues related with reliability of electronic packages. The results of his findings have been published in various journals articles, IEEE as well as SMTA International conference papers and a book chapter published by Wiley Publication. Some of his research owing to non-disclosure agreements with Fortune 500 companies have been published only to the audience of respective companies.