Section News

IEEE News (Dec 2007)

WASHINGTON (11 October 2007) — IEEE-USA is launching an online engineering video competition for undergraduate engineering students on “How Engineers Make a World of Difference,” and …

Navigating Our New Website

Our new website is based on the ”blog” concept.
A blog is a list of articles. When new articles are posted to the website, they appear on the home page in chronological order. In addition, they are posted to the appropriate category of archived …

From Brian’s Desk

The Executive Committee of the Cincinnati Section met on Oct 18. During that meeting, we voted to authorize the creation of an EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) Chapter. There are about 25 EMBS members in our Section, and soon they will …

Directions to FKI Logistex October 25th tour

FKI Logistex is located at 10045 International Blvd., which runs between Crescentville Rd and Muhlhauser Rd. FKI is located on the west side of the road closer to Crescentville than to Muhlhauser.

October 2007 Meeting

The October meeting is a tour of FKI Logistex’s new Technology and Education Center (TEC). The TEC is a 31,000 square-foot training and demonstration center that features fully functional demonstrations of automated sortation, conveying, AS/RS, and other fulfillment solutions, as well as, proof-of-concept testing …

From Brian’s Desk

I really enjoyed Mark Borgerding’s tips and techniques with DSPs at the September Section meeting. Mark presented some very useful and valuable information gained from his many years of experience. The Section wishes to extend a big “Thank you” to Mark Borgerding.
Our new …

Engineers & Scientists of Greater Cincinnati Awards Banquet

Plans are currently underway for the 72nd Annual Engineers & Scientists of Greater Cincinnati Awards Banquet. It is an opportunity for those in the engineering and science profession to honor outstanding peers for their accomplishments. Historically, the program has been held during Engineers …

March Meeting

March 22 – “Using ‘R’ for System Performance Analysis”.
Technical presentation by Jim Holtman on the open source software “R” and how to use it to analyze system performance and scalabity. See the for announcement details. Print the announcement and post it in you …