Posts By: admin_bjr

2011 Section Election Results

It was a very close election this year  and I would like to announce that Jay Perin has been elected as the Member At Large section officer serving for the terms in 2012 and 2013. The Member At Large officer is a voting member of …

We’re Now Mobile Ready

Try on your tablet or smartphone and see our new mobile friendly layout. The website automatically detects your device and delivers the appropriate layout. Let me know if you have problems or questions.

Make Plans for our December Meeting

This year for our December 1st meeting we decided to try something different. We would like everyone to bring your favorite tool or toy to share with everyone. Bring that new 3D smartphone, 3DSi,  the old Radio Shack TRS-80 computer in your basement, that new …

Nominating Committee Announces Slate

The Nominating Committee for the Cincinnati Section is pleased to announce its slate for our November election:

Ted Longshore
Jay Perin

The Section is also accepting Petition Candidates until November 4, 2011.  A petition candidate must have the signatures of at least nine (9) voting members of the …

Website Software Has Been Upgraded

Section members the software running our website has been upgraded over the summer. WordPress has been upgraded to the latest release WordPress-3.2.1 and a number of needed plugins were installed:

A new WYSIWYG editor to make authoring posts and pages easier
A backup package
A reCAPTCHA security package  …

Link to Reservation Page

Please use this link to register for the May Section Meeting featuring Senior Design Projects:

Sumobot Competition April 2011

Fellow Robot Enthusiasts: The Cincinnati group Hive13 is hosting a Sumobot competition this April. Click here for details.

Motor Rebuild Experts?

One of our members is looking for someone who has expertise in rebuilding fractional horsepower electric motors, specifically capacitor start switches. If you can help please write a comment to this posting. Thanks.

Ford to recruit engineers in Cincinnati

Cincinnati is one of nine U.S. markets where Ford Motor Co. said it will be recruiting engineers this year for its push into electric vehicles. The automaker announced at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit it will add more than 7,000 salaried …

Our New 2011-2012 Section Officers

I would like to announce our newly elected section officers.
Section Chair – Stephen Fridrick
Vice Chair –  Fred Nadeau
Treasurer – Marwan Nusair
Secretary – Frank Zhou
Member at Large – Jason Wilden
They will all serve for the next two years. Their email addresses and phone numbers are listed …

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