The Teller Committee is pleased to report the election results for the Cincinnati Section. Voting was open from November 15, 2020 to December 22, 2020. Six percent (6%) of our membership voted.

The following officers will serve for two years (2021 to 2022):

Chair: Robert Schindler
Vice Chair: Sai Sudheer Reddy Bonthu
Secretary: David Hernandez
Treasurer: Andrew Foerster
Member-At-Large: Joseph R. (Bob) Morrison

Congratulations to these volunteers.

We also owe a big THANK YOU to the outgoing officers who served from 2019 to 2020:

Chair: Joseph (Jay) Perin
Vice Chair: Brendan Moser
Secretary: Sai Sudheer Reddy Bonthu
Treasurer: Robert Schindler
Member-At-Large: David Hernandez